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Our Costco Staples

Pretty early on in my dating relationship with Kevin, we got a Sam’s Club membership. (Our relationship moved fast right from the start, this being just one sign of that.) We weren’t even living together, but we did enjoy cooking together often, and so buying certain things in bulk just made sense.

We’ve continued to love club shopping, but were thrilled to discover, upon moving to Winston-Salem, that Costco was just as convenient as Sam’s Club. (We’d always preferred Costco over Sam’s, but when we lived in Atlanta there wasn’t a Costco nearby.) We happily changed our membership to Costco six years ago and haven’t looked back.

I love Costco, but Kevin LOVES Costco. He loves it so much that sometimes he’ll just pop in on a Wednesday over lunch to wander around a bit, check out the inventory, and grab a hot dog. His favorite pair of running shoes ever came from Costco. I probably average one Costco trip a month (almost always with Kevin), but he goes much more frequently. This works out great, because our family has developed quite the list of Costco staples over the years, and so it’s great that he can replenish our inventory frequently.

Below is a list of (just some of) our favorite items to get at Costco (both food items and others!), in no particular order:

Fellow Costco aficionados: What are some of your essentials?





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