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It’s Time To Get Over Our #Selfies, Don’t You Think? (The Launch Of #TheUsProject)

(Full disclosure!: This post is near and dear to my heart because it focuses on a campaign our agency just launched for an activewear client I work on, Soffe.)

Are you guys ready for a jaw-dropping stat? According to Google, 93 million selfies are taken each day around the world. 93 million!

And, worse, increased selfie taking is shown to correlate with having more shallow relationships, among other things. As someone who was already very much over the whole #selfie trend, these statistics only helped solidify my feelings about them.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m all for self-expression, and selfies can certainly be a way to express yourself. And I’ve most definitely taken them myself (although I always feel a little silly doing so). I just worry about the overall message selfies are spreading, and what they’re doing to our collective self-esteem.

So I was thrilled to be a part of the team at The Variable that, together with our client counterparts at Soffe, helped develop a campaign called #TheUsProject. Its purpose? To encourage a BETTER selfie: one that includes you WITH your friends and family. (Aren’t those the photos you treasure, anyway? The ones with you and the people who make YOU, you?)

Enough typing. Why don’t you check out this video we built for #TheUsProject?:

Inspired to join #TheUsProject? It’s easy! Just upload a picture of yourself and your friends/family to the social media channel of your choice and use the hashtag #TheUsProject to tag your photo to the campaign.

You can also join the movement by purchasing one of the four tops Soffe designed especially for this campaign. Aren’t these cute? They’re available for purchase on the campaign’s landing page.

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