Maggie Monday (April 16, 2018)

Our girl is WALKING!

She’s SO proud of it, too, which is the very best part.

So far, she still prefers to have the help of our fingers so she can move faster, but she’s taking more and more steps independently.


Maggie remains a HUGE fan of books. It makes my heart so happy, since books were such an important part of my childhood. (I guess having a mom who’s an elementary school librarian will instill a love of literature in you at a young age!) Often, Maggie chooses books over all her other toys, and will spend tons of time looking through them and “reading” them on your own, or she’ll want to come sit with you to read together. It never gets old.

She’s also getting SO chatty! Hearing her carry on “conversations” is so stinking cute.

We love you, Maggie-girl, and are thankful for another happy week watching you grow!




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