My 30-Day Wardrobe Challenge: The Winter Edition

Here we are in 2015. As usual, I’m wondering how in the world the holidays flew by so quickly, as well as taking some time to reflect on the last year and also think about ways I want to start this year off on the right foot.

I was pondering this while unpacking from our holiday travel, and realized that a great way to start 2015 would be with another Wardrobe Challenge — this time with my cold(er) weather clothing.

Several months ago, I embarked on a similar challenge after we moved into our new house and, upon getting my new closet set up, I realized just how many clothes I had. Those were spring/summer clothes, and now that I’ve swapped them out for their fall/winter counterparts I’m noticing the same pattern.

And so, beginning tomorrow (January 5), I’ll be kicking off my 30-Day Wardrobe Challenge: The Winter Edition in an effort to remind me just how many clothes I have and also to encourage myself to branch out from the go-to outfit options I find myself wearing again and again.

A quick recap of the “rules” I created for the 30-Day Wardrobe Challenge:

For a 30-day period, I have to wear a different outfit every single day. (Things like workout clothes and PJs are exempt, for obvious reasons. Also, I can wear a pair of jeans, leggings, or pants more than once, but not the same top more than a single time.) I am also not allowed to purchase any new articles of clothing during the 30-day challenge. (Things like workout clothes and PJs DO apply to this part.) At the end of the 30-day period, I will have re-discovered clothes I haven’t worn in a while (yay!), but I’m also committing to identifying at least 15 items that I don’t wear any more to donate to Goodwill or sell for consignment.

As I did the last time around, I’ll be posting daily selfies on Instagram (I know — I’m typically not a fan of selfies, either, but I’ve found it’s a good way to share my outfits) as well as posting weekly blog updates to share my outfit choices. Please follow me on Instagram (@annaskeller1) to be a part of the Challenge!

Here’s to being more aware of the things I already have in 2015. Happy New Year! I like the way things are headed already…

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